Why did CNN give Obama an 8 year pass in investigative journalism, but is now actively persecuting Donald trump?

Obama has demonstrated himself to be a very careful person regarding his own image and actions, to a fault. He is strong organizer and team builder. His skills are much more that of a GM or COO* than, say, a CEO or head of Sales, when you draw parallels with the corporate world.
As Terry Irving responded (Why did CNN give Obama an 8 year pass in investigative journalism, but is now actively persecuting Donald trump?), CNN, and I understand, all major news agencies, had units designated to dig into his past and present. None found anything “scandalous”. Before Obama made a name for himself on the national stage at the 2004 Democratic Convention, he barely got any media coverage.
DJT, on the other hand, was a media magnet since the late 80s due to his long running and well known “foot-in-mouth” disease. He’s outrageous, thin-skinned and picks very public fights over nothing. Follow DJT around, and he will say something “scandalous” sooner than later.
The mainstream media actually did cover plenty of times Obama went wrong, but Obama was so calculating and methodical about everything he did, that it wasn’t a strong enough narrative to keep the wires buzzing. And none of it was “scandalous”. Combined with Obama’s “cool factor” and likeability (quite an achievement given that he’s highly intellectual and can come across as professorial), it was hard to make things stick to him.
I would suggest looking at the closest president to Obama in terms of policy and personality - Ronald Reagan. Reagan was involved in plenty of political scandal (remember Iran-Contra?), but as with Obama, he was so likable, it was impossible to get anything to stick to him for too long. His nickname was “the Teflon Man” for a reason.
HRC had the opposite problem. She was so unlikable by the American public, despite 


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