
Showing posts from March, 2017

More US states challenge Trump travel ban

Three US states have joined Hawaii in a legal challenge against President Donald Trump's revised travel ban. Mr Trump signed an executive order placing a 90-day ban on people from six mainly Muslim countries on Monday. New York maintains the new directive is a ban on Muslims while Washington says it is harmful to the state. Oregon and Massachusetts later also joined. The ban begins on 16 March, with the White House saying it is "very confident" of winning in court. Mr Trump's original order was more expansive but it was defeated after a legal challenge initially mounted by Washington and Minnesota. What states this time and why? Oregon  - said the order hurts residents, employers, universities health care system and economy Washington  - it has "same illegal motivations as the original" and harms residents, although fewer than the first ban New York  - "a Muslim ban by another name", said the attorney general Massachusetts  -

IS conflict: US sends Marines to support Raqqa assault

The US has sent 400 additional troops to Syria to support an allied local force aiming to capture the so-called Islamic State stronghold of Raqqa. They include Marines, who arrived in the past few days. US special forces are already in Syria. Meanwhile, US-led coalition air strikes killed 20 civilians - including children - near Raqqa, reports say. US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is to host a meeting of the coalition members on 22 March. Foreign ministers and senior officials from 68 nations and international organisations had been invited to attend a two-day gathering in Washington, the state department said. "Secretary Tillerson has been crystal clear that defeating Isis (IS) is the state department's top priority in the Middle East," acting state department spokesman Mark Toner said. The coalition is expected to launch an assault on Raqqa in the coming weeks. Defence officials told the Washington Post  that a Marine artillery unit would have M777

Has Obama been disrespected more than usual for a president?

I'm still young (20) and didn't really develop my passionate interest for politics until 18, so I don't remember much of Bush but when I watch how the media treats Obama they can be downright disrespectful to the commander in chief. I realize we have the right to speak ill of him btw.

What are the best new mobile applications that most people don't know about?

1. TimePin Lock :  Unlike the ordinary PIN option, if you choose TimePin lock in our App Lock, your lock screen password will be changing every minute to the current time in your mobile. So, your lock screen password will be changing automatically to the current time on every minute and you need not remember anything to recollect the password. Just look at time in the notification bar and enter it. Still don’t get it? Lets say you have selected TimePin option and locked WhatsApp application. You try to open the WhatsApp at 11:15 PM, the lock screen will show up before the Whatsapp and ask for the PIN to unlock it. The PIN will be 1115 which is the current time your mobile. If you try to open WhatsApp on 11:20, the PIN by that time will be 1120. 2. DatePin Lock :  DatePin lock is similar to TimePin whereas the PIN will be changing to current date in the mobile instead of the current time. So, your PIN will be changing every day automatically to the current date. Lets say the current

If USA invades Pakistan, should India support Pakistan?

Answere this question in comments

Who would win if the USA alone invades india ?

Even if USA does invade India, I have serious doubts it will be able to conquer it, more so win it. If you need proof take into account the military conquests of Alexander, Mahmud Ghanzni, the Mongols, the Huns,   Of course Pakistan would provide its bases and armed forces units as forward units. And much like Italy during the World War II with its imprisoned Mafia dons in Sicily, the USA will strike a deal with the the various main and fringe terrorist organisations to provide the auxilliary shock troops. The Indian army has at all times 4,00,000 standing troops in reserve. This count excludes the military, navy and air force deployments at present and the initial troop count. We have a gentleman named Ajit Doval, who is the current NSA. You may have read about the military operation in Myanmar ( I apologise to our friends in Myanmar for the inconvenience caused, but we cannot let anyone just kill our soldiers and not pay for it ). That was done under the supervision of Mr. Doval

If the U.K. was invaded, what would the U.S. do?

As of the 2011 census, there were over 177,000 Americans or persons of American birth living in the UK, so it's kind of already happening. I'm one of them. There are a few things about the UK that I might change to make a bit more like America, but a lot more things about America that I'd like to change to make it more like the UK. As an example of the former, British drivers really need to understand the American concept of a 4-way-stop. This way they would know what to do when traffic lights fail in a power outage. What they currently do is play a game of chicken. The winners get to continue on, and the losers go home by means of an ambulance. As an example of the latter, America needs universal health care.

Apple, Samsung and Microsoft react to Wikileaks' CIA dump

Several of the tech firms whose products have been allegedly compromised by the CIA have given their first reactions to the claims. Wikileaks published  thousands of documents said to detail the US spy agency's hacking tools on Tuesday. They included allegations the CIA had developed ways to listen in on smartphone and smart TV microphones. Apple's statement was the most detailed, saying it had already addressed some of the vulnerabilities. "The technology built into today's iPhone represents the best data security available to consumers, and we're constantly working to keep it that way," it said. "Our products and software are designed to quickly get security updates into the hands of our customers, with nearly 80% of users running the latest version of our operating system. "While our initial analysis indicates that many of the issues leaked today were already patched in the latest iOS, we will continue work to rapidly address any i

How much power does the President of United States really have?

Most people are totally unaware of exactly how much power the president of the USA has.  I'll attempt to break it into its effective pieces. Within the executive branch, the POTUS (our acronym for "President of the United States") is effectively dictator (albeit a benevolent one). As long as he operates within the confines of the law, he can direct any executive agency to do anything he desires.  Typically presidents are aware of their limited tenure and the Congress's ability to remove him (as yet, only "him", but one day a "her"), so they don't abuse the power overly.  But it's there for them to use. Building on the previous point, The President is "Commander in Chief" of military and can direct it as he sees fit.  Congress can de-fund his project, but as Teddy Roosevelt discovered, Congress is loath to leave our soldiers and sailors stranded halfway around the world.  Because he is commander in chief of the military, he is

Why is President of the United States of America more powerful compared to, say, Prime Minister of England?

The answer to your question would depend on your definition of “powerful”. The ultimate extension would be “Why can the President of the United States of America (after this “the President”) employ more armed force than can the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland (from now on “the PM”)?” and the answer to that one is the self-evident “Because the United States of America has a larger military than the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland does.”. On the other hand, if the PM wants a piece of legislation passed, that piece of legislation is going to get passed and if the PM does not want a piece of legislation passed then that piece of legislation is not going to get passed. Admittedly the President has a lot more latitude in the field from which they can choose their Cabinet member than the PM does, BUT once the PM decides who a Cabinet member is going to be, that’s the end of the discussion and when the PM decides that a Cabinet member is no longer acceptab

How likely would a black person be chosen as the Prime Minister of the UK, assuming the UK Prime Minister would be the equivalent of the US President?

The PM is not the equivalent of the President. The PM is simply the leader of whatever political party happens to hold the most seats in Parliament, so the question is actually, how likely is it that a major political party would choose a black leader? There is absolutely nothing against it on race grounds. If anything, being black might slightly improve a person’s chances of being picked for leader, as the party might feel that being shown to be inclusive would improve their share of the young person’s votes. However, the black community is both small and disproportionately made up of people whose families only moved to the UK in the mid 20th C. The top ranks of the political parties are still afaik disproportionately made up of people who went to public school. [In British terms, a public school is a very old and grand fee-paying school, called “public” because some of them are so old that “public” meant “not just training students for the priesthood”.] At present, there are

Do Americans agree that the Prime Minister of Australia should have been treated the way he was by President Trump during their first phone call?

President Trump said that his call with the Prime Minister was, “the worst yet”, bragged about his electoral victory and he accused Australia of wanting to send the next Boston bombers to the United States.

Should Donald Trump be replaced as president of the United States?

Donald Trump is in over his head. This comes as no surprise to the millions of people who could see that he was  unprepared and unfit  for the job of president of the United States and voted against him. He’s basically a celebrity heir to a fortune who was so entitled that he believed his privileged existence proved he was competent to run the most powerful nation on Earth. That’s the attitude of an aristocrat who ascended to the throne without having any idea what it actually takes to rule. History’s full of such men. It doesn’t often work out well. Trump managed to convince enough voters in just the right places that his “business success,” born mostly of hype and relentless public relations over many years, qualified him for the Oval Office. Since the Protestant work ethic and the philosophy of virtuous capitalism still permeate American culture, it’s not uncommon for people to equate financial success with superior intelligence and character. Many individuals among the public un

Why did CNN give Obama an 8 year pass in investigative journalism, but is now actively persecuting Donald trump?

Obama has demonstrated himself to be a very careful person regarding his own image and actions, to a fault. He is strong organizer and team builder. His skills are much more that of a GM or COO* than, say, a CEO or head of Sales, when you draw parallels with the corporate world. As Terry Irving responded ( Why did CNN give Obama an 8 year pass in investigative journalism, but is now actively persecuting Donald trump? ), CNN, and I understand, all major news agencies, had units designated to dig into his past and present. None found anything “scandalous”. Before Obama made a name for himself on the national stage at the 2004 Democratic Convention, he barely got any media coverage. DJT, on the other hand, was a media magnet since the late 80s due to his long running and well known “foot-in-mouth” disease. He’s outrageous, thin-skinned and picks very public fights over nothing. Follow DJT around, and he will say something “scandalous” sooner than later. The mainstream media actual

Who is the Prime Minister of China?

Chinese prime minister , known as Premier, is  Li Keqiang ,

Is there prime minister in china?

China has a  Premier  who fills the same or similar role as a Prime Minister in other countries. The incumbent premier is  Li Keqiang   and he is the head of government of China. He is tasked with leading the State Council, the executive ruling body of the entire People’s Republic, and implements everyday domestic policy. China also has a  President , currently  Xi Jinping , and he is head of state. This means that his role is largely ceremonial and represents China on the world stage. He is essentially the face of China, though more and more powers have been transferred to the President in recent years. That is why President Xi is almost always present at international conferences or meetings rather than the premier.

Why there is no prime minister in America?

The US is not like other country's such as Australia or Brittan who are monarchy’s. The US is a Republic, there for the US ELECTS its own Head of State (HOS). The US has a president and a Vice Presiden. They act as the HOS in the US.

Who is the Prime Minister of America?

The United States of America does not have a prime minister, since it does not follow a parliamentary government unlike other countries (like England, Australia, and India). The head of state is the President of the United States (sometimes abbreviated as POTUS), and it is currently  Donald Trump .

Wikileaks: CIA has tools to snoop via TVs

Wikileaks has published details of what it says are wide-ranging hacking tools used by the CIA. The  alleged cyber-weapons  are said to include malware that targets Windows, Android, iOS, OSX and Linux computers as well as internet routers. Some of the software is reported to have been developed in-house, but the UK's MI5 agency is said to have helped build a spyware attack for Samsung TVs. A spokesman for the CIA would not confirm the details. "We do not comment on the authenticity or content of purported intelligence documents," he said. A spokesman for the UK Home Office was unable to comment. Wikileaks said that its source had shared the details with it to prompt a debate into whether the CIA's hacking capabilities had exceeded its mandated powers. Embarrassment factor - Analysis by BBC's security correspondent Gordon Corera These latest leaks - which appear to give details of highly sensitive technical methods - will be a huge problem

China calls on N Korea to suspend missile and nuclear tests

China has proposed that North Korea suspend its tests of missile and nuclear technology to "defuse a looming crisis". Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that in exchange, the US and South Korea could halt annual joint military drills, which consistently infuriate the North. The appeal comes after North Korea  test-launched four missiles on Monday , breaking international sanctions. In response, the US began rolling out a missile defence system in South Korea. Speaking on the sidelines of China's annual parliamentary meeting, Mr Wang said the Korean peninsula was like "two accelerating trains, coming toward each other with neither side willing to give way". "Are the two sides really ready for a head-on collision?" he asked. A mutual halt of military operations would be the first step towards easing tensions and reopening negotiations, he said. Thaad 'no threat to China' Three of the North Korean missiles came down inside Japan'

1st Prime Minister of Pakistan

Liaquat Ali Khan (1947 – 1951) Liaquat Ali Khan  was appointed as the first Prime Minister of Pakistan by the Governor-General in 1947. He was assassinated in 1951, and Khawaja Nazimuddin took the office. Nazimuddin became Prime Minister of Pakistan after the assassination of  Liaquat Ali Khan  in 1951. In Office:  14 August 1947 – 16 October 1951 Status:  Elected democratically Political Party:  Muslim League Total Duration:  4 Years, 2 Months, 2 Days

2nd Prime Minister of Pakistan

Khawaja Nazimuddin (1951 – 1953) Sir Khawaja Nazimuddin, KCIE was a conservative Pakistani politician and statesman who served as the 2nd Prime Minister of Pakistan from 15 October 1951 to 1953. Born into the Dhaka Nawab Family, Nazimuddin was educated at M.A.O In Office:  17 October 1951 – 17 April 1953 Status:  Elected democratically Political Party:  Muslim League Total Duration:  2 Years exactly